A Final Quality Check
Once a manuscript has been thoroughly copyedited, it is ready for a proofread. This is a final check to catch stray errors and happens at the end of the editing stage.
Proofreading catches the same types of errors as copyediting. No editor can catch every error, which is why it’s important to have a separate proofread to catch the errors that slipped through.
Proofreading increases the quality
Your readers will appreciated that you got a professional proofread for your book, because errors can be distracting and pull them out of the story.
Perfection doesn’t exist and every published book has at least one error that makes it all the way to publication, but a book that has been proofread will have few enough that the vast majority of readers don’t notice a single one.
My style guides and references
The main reference books I use is for proofreading are The Chicago Manual of Style, Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, and Garner’s Modern English Usage.

What it looks like:
- You send me your manuscript as a Word document along with your style sheet from the copyediting phase
- I send back the manuscript with my corrections in redlining
- You accept/reject my changes with track changes enabled, and I carefully incorporate the changes into the final version to ensure no errors are inadvertently introduced
Not what you’re looking for?
If your manuscript hasn’t been copyedited yet, it won’t be quite ready for a proofread. Take a look at the copyediting I offer instead or my article that breaks down each type of editing in more detail.